
Why HP customer service sucks - Part 2

So, my great new HP dv2500 CTO with 2GB Ram, Core 2 Duo 2.00GHz, 160GB SATA hard drive, Dual Layer LightScribe drive, integrated webcam, fingerprint reader, and Vista 64-bit really is kick ass. It was noticeably better is most aspects.

Of course I wouldn't be able to run some applications right away, but hat wasn't a huge concern. They even gave me the recovery DVD with it.

Then I find out I only have two USB ports. When I take it to work and try to plug it into one of two spare AC Adapters I had, I find out the spares I have had for several years no longer work. They have different tips. OK, so I will carry around my adapter a little more.

I called HP because I couldn't make the recovery discs from the software provided. I figured I would make a spare one. They sent me a new one. I also discovered that when I run a recovery, it won't activate over the Internet. I need to go through the whole calling Microsoft bit, instead of being pre-activated like the systems used to be. I called them back and they wanted to send me recovery discs, not understanding that I already had some on the way.

Well, here it is about 9 months after delivery of my new laptop, and my XD card slot (none of the other ones in the all-in-one controller) does not work, the LCD is getting marks from the keyboard and every time I run a restore, I ran the recovery from the new discs and I still have to call Microsoft to activate. What the heck??

So I called HP one more time. They were going to escalate it. A month later and no one called me. I called back. At this point, I am too tired. I just want this over with, so they are sending a box. Apparently, they don't think I can run a recovery. I also stressed about ten times that the XD Card slot does not work. Wanna bet that comes back broken still?

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