
Business support forums - HP QuickPlay not working

So, since Hewlett Packard can not be trusted to properly fix their own laptops, I have decided to provide the "fix" for the QuickPlay DVDPlay issue that plagues many people. This issue may also affect other people in other ways. WARNING! DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Update: See my blog for 10/16/2008 as to why these links have been removed.
If you use eMule or eDonkey - sorry file removed. See above.

If someone gets a torrent link, I will add it here.

As a last resort, - sorry file removed. See above.

The HPDMI.img file is a floppy disk image file. You can use a program like WinImage to make it into a floppy disk. You can also do a Google search for "HP Drive Key Boot Utility" (instead of WinImage) and make a USB bootable thumb drive by pointing it to the IMG file.

The program that worked for me was the in the HP_Notebook_Tattoo.zip file. It is named MANVS3A.exe and is included with the other files in the HP folder of the IMG file. It is pretty self explanatory and gives you examples of what to enter in the various fields.

All the exe files that are not password protected are in the IMG file in a folder called HP. If you get a password for the zipped file, I will add it or unzip it. See the PDF files for instructions on tattooing. I am making these files available because after four service calls, HP still did not properly tattoo my system and I had to go digging for them. One time it came back with a blank model string and DVDPlay installed instead of QuickPlay, another time it came back with a Spanish model number and was detected as such with HP's product detection on their website.

I am very concerned that HP has a break down in procedures and is not properly repairing customer's computers. When you call technical support, they have no idea what a tattoo is and tell the customer things like run a restore, or do a search for QuickPlay and download it from www.sourceforge.net (which is not the same QuickPlay) and the customer gets screwed in the end.

If Hewlett Packard contacts me in regards to this issue, I will remove the file once I know a procedure is in place to better train their phone support people to recognize this issue, and their repair center(s) have been properly trained in the tattoo of EVERY PC that comes into their center, to make sure that the tattoo is properly in the system to begin with. Finally, even out of warranty machines that display these problems should be fixed under warranty.


Benjamin said...

Thanks for the update on how to fix this problem. Hopefully this will be useful for some people - I got rid of Quickplay after I had the fault and didn't bother (and probably won't) reinstall it.

The bigger problem as you mention is tatooing the notebook. I needed to reinstall the OS after wifi died (I hadn't realised that it was a common design flaw with DV9xxx/6xxx models at this point) and the HP recovery disc (and partition!) failed to recognise the notebook and hence didn't want to reinstall. Frankly I was very pissed. This is a ticking time bomb people should be made aware of.

I got around this by getting a "friend's" full retail copy of Vista Home Premium, reinstalling it and activating it with the original HP Vista Home Premium OEM activation key. It failed to activate over the internet but said I needed to telephone an automated service - which I did and it worked (I was so annoyed I was ready to argue the whole situation with a human rep to get it activated so nice surprise here). Then it was just a case of getting all the drivers from the HP site. I think HP know this is a fault with their notebooks and recovery discs and MS are letting users do this since the activation codes are legit (IIRC MS licence states you pay for the right to use the OS, not the copy of the disc, which users did when they bought the notebook).

As I started mentioning above, my HP laptop bit the dust recently too with the standard wifi/nvidia GPU failure design flaw issue. It's just gone into repair and I've been quoted a week (Toshiba took 3 months when I had one of them....) lets see how that goes!

Oh and for a reverse plug, check out my blog too - it has a useful free Vista notebook util - Aerofoil www.silentdevelopment.blogspot.com

huzam said...

Hello buddy,

I been really pissed about quick play. Search the whole night for a fix. Located your site through a link on HP website finally. But i am not being able to download the fix using emule and also from the direct link u have provided. please please could you mail me the zip file if you have it. will really appreciate. my email is stormyvampire@gmail.com or huxxam@hotmail.com.

My name is huzam and i am from Maldives. please help me.

Skindred said...

I have done a scrath load to the system, but (not hat I use it much) the easiest way to get to the webcam is through QuickPlay. The tattoo goes a lot further back than just the dvxxxx models. They have been using it since before 2005 as I recall - I could look it up but am too tired/lazy right now.

The files are available again. Sometimes my website goes down as I host it on my personal comuter, so when I lose internet or even a data drive, I may lose something for a while.

Skindred said...

Crap, I forgot to do spell check before I posted. Does anyone know how (if possible) to edit a comment?

Unknown said...

the files seem to be down again. anyone have an alternate link?

Skindred said...

Just a reminder, the eDonkey link only works if you have eMule or eDonkey. Otherwise, you have to use the other link.

Anubandh said...

I am facing the same problem and the registry fix found on another forum did'nt helped.My motherboard has been changed in august'08 and intially my recovery disc was not recognising my laptop, i send it back to HP and they fixed it, now my recovery disc recognise my laptop and quickplay installs just fine, the problem arises when i update it. it installs as dvd play and even after reverting back to the original version does'nt helps. i want a clean vista install with quickplay but i can't bcoz quickplay installs as dvd play. by the way my UUID no. is not zeros and my model no. is Pavilion DV6314tx. Please help me i have downloaded files posted by you but i dont know how to get my uuid no etc to use that thing.

Skindred said...

Hey everyone. Thanx for your comments. I encourage you to contact HP if you are still having problems. I made a posting today (10/16/08) with more details, but I decided to pull the files after HP's request.

Please call HP and email them and do whatever you need to in order to get your computers fixed. The more people that have this issue recognized, the more likely HP is to respond kindly.